why do companies post jobs that are already filled

Why Do Companies Post Jobs That Are Already Filled?

Why do companies post jobs that are already filled? It’s a question that has puzzled job seekers for years. Is it a way to get more resumes? Is it a way to test the waters? Or is it just an honest mistake? 

In this blog post, we will explore the different reasons why companies might post jobs that are already filled. We will also discuss what job seekers can do to avoid wasting their time applying for jobs that are not open. Stay tuned – it’s going to be a fascinating journey!

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Why Do Companies Post Jobs That Are Already Filled?

There could be a number of reasons why a company might post a job that’s already been filled. Maybe they’re looking to hire someone with a very specific skill set, and they haven’t had any luck finding the right person through traditional channels. Or maybe the position was only meant to be temporary, and they’re just using the posting as a way to generate interest from potential candidates.

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Whatever the reason, it’s frustrating for job seekers when they come across these postings. You spend all this time applying for a job, only to find out that it’s already been filled. So why do companies do this? Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons.

They’re Looking for a Specified Skill Set

One of the most common reasons for posting a job that’s already been filled is because the company is looking for someone with a very specific skill set. Maybe they can’t find anyone with the right qualifications in their area, or they’re looking for someone with very rare skill. In any case, if you think you might have the skills they’re looking for, it’s worth applying!

When a company is looking for a specific skill set, they will usually list it in the job posting. So, if you’re not sure if you have the right skills, take a look at the job posting and see if your skills match up. If they do, go ahead and apply! You never know, you might just be what they’re looking for.

Applying to a job that’s already been filled can sometimes be a waste of time, but it’s not always the case. If you think you have the skills that the company is looking for, go ahead and apply! You never know, you might just get the job.

They’re Only Hiring Temporarily

One reason companies might post jobs that are already filled is that they’re only hiring temporarily. Maybe they’re looking for a new employee to fill a position for a specific project or until someone else can be found. In this case, the company will likely take down the job posting once they’ve found the right person.

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For instance, a company might need a new web developer for a short project. Once the project is over, they’ll no longer need that person and will likely take down the job posting.

They Want to See If They Can Get Better Candidates

Another reason companies might post jobs that are already filled is to see if they can get better candidates.  They might have someone in mind for the job, but they want to see if there are any better candidates out there. 

This is especially common in competitive industries where companies are always looking for the best talent. Sometimes, a company will post a job and receive hundreds of applications. They might not even interview all of the candidates because they can’t. In this case, they will just pick the best candidate from the pool of applicants.

They’re Not Sure If They Want to Fill the Position

Sometimes, a company isn’t sure if they want to fill a position. They might have someone in mind for the job, but they’re not sure if they want to make the commitment. In this case, they will post the job and see what kinds of candidates they get.

If they get a lot of qualified candidates, they might decide to fill the position. If they don’t, they might just leave the position open or cancel the posting altogether.

They’re Trying to Weed Out Unqualified Applicants

One reason companies might post jobs that are already filled is to weed out unqualified applicants. If the job listing is taken down pretty quickly, it’s likely that the company only received a lot of applications from people who weren’t qualified for the position. This can save the company time and energy in the long run.

By posting a job that’s already filled, the company can see which applicants are truly interested in the position and which ones aren’t. This can help them narrow down their pool of candidates for future openings.

They’re Trying to Boost Their Employee Referral Program

Another reason companies might post jobs that are already filled is to boost their employee referral program. By posting a job and then taking it down quickly, the company can get their employees to share the listing with people they know who might be qualified for the position. This can help the company find better candidates and fill the position more quickly.

In this case, the company is using the job listing as more of a way to generate leads than to actually find someone to fill the position.

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They Might Need You For Future Vacancies

A company might post a job that’s already filled in order to find someone for future vacancies. Sometimes, companies will post a job and then take it down quickly because they have someone in mind for the position. But, they might not be sure if that person is available or interested in the job. In this case, the company will post the job and then keep track of the candidates who apply.

If they get a lot of qualified candidates, they might decide to fill the position. If they don’t, they might just wait until the right person comes along. This is a more long-term strategy for companies that are looking to fill a position in the future.

By posting a job that’s already filled, the company can see which applicants are truly interested in the position and which ones aren’t. This can help them narrow down their pool of candidates for future openings.


So, if you see a job posting that’s already filled, don’t be discouraged. It might just mean that the company is keeping an eye on you for future vacancies or trying to boost its employee referral program. And who knows? You might still get a chance to interview if they do end up filling the position. Keep your resume updated and check back often to see new job postings. Good luck!

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