Which type of hiring/placement interview is the most common?

Which Type Of Hiring/Placement Interview Is The Most Common?

Which type of hiring/placement interview is the most common? The answer may surprise you. There are several different types of interviews that can be used in the hiring process, but one stands out above the rest. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the two most common types of interviews and which one is the most popular. We will also provide tips on how to prepare for each type of interview. Let’s get started!

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2 Most Common Types of Interviews

There are many different types of interviews that employers use to assess candidates. The most common, however, are the four types listed below.

Panel Interview

The most common type of interview is the Panel interview.  In this type of interview, the employer will have a group of people interview the candidate at the same time. This can be anywhere from two to six people. The panel will usually include a mix of HR representatives and managers from the department where the candidate would be working in.

The advantage of this type of interview is that it allows for multiple perspectives on the candidate. The disadvantage, however, is that it can be overwhelming for the candidate, and they may not know who to focus on.

Is It Difficult?

No, the Panel interview is not difficult. In fact, it is one of the easiest types of interviews to prepare for. The key is to relax and be yourself. Remember, they are just trying to get to know you better.

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How to Prepare?

To prepare for a panel interview, you should first research the company. This will give you an idea of the types of people who will be on the panel. Below are some suggestions in this regard:

-Review the company’s website and read about their products or services.

-Check out the company’s social media pages, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

-Watch videos of the company on YouTube.

-Read articles about the company in business publications.

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Once you have a good understanding of the company, think about the types of questions that might be asked. 

You can expect to be asked about your experience, skills, and why you are interested in the company. It is also a good idea to come up with some questions for the panel. 

This will show that you have done your research and are interested in the company.

How to Practice?

The best way to practice for a Panel interview is to role-play with a friend or family member. Have them ask you various questions that might be asked, and practice your answers. You can also try recording yourself so that you can see how you come across on camera.

Behavioral Interview

Behavioral interviewing is a technique based on the idea that past behavior can predict future behavior. In a behavioral interview, you will be asked questions about your previous work experiences and how you responded to specific situations.

The interviewer is looking for specific examples of times when you displayed the skills and qualities that are required for the job.

Behavioral interviews can be tricky because they require you to remember and give examples of times when you displayed certain behaviors. However, if you prepare in advance, you will be able to give great answers to these types of questions.

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How to Prepare?

When preparing for a behavioral interview, it is helpful to create a “behavioral portfolio.” This is a document that contains specific examples of times when you displayed the skills and qualities that are required for the job.

  • To create your behavioral portfolio, start by brainstorming a list of all of the relevant skills and qualities that are required for the job. 
  • Then, think of specific examples of times when you have demonstrated each of these skills and qualities. 
  • For each example, make sure to include the situation, the task that you were responsible for, the actions that you took, and the results of your actions.

Once you have created your behavioral portfolio, practice giving examples from it in a mock interview. This will help you to feel more prepared and confident when you are interviewed.

What Are the Different Types of Behavioral Interview Questions?

There are four different types of behavioral interview questions:

* STAR questions

* CAR questions

* PAR questions

* SAR questions.

STAR questions are about specific situations that you have faced in the past, CAR questions are about challenges that you have faced, PAR questions are about accomplishments, and SAR questions are about skills.

How to Answer STAR Questions?

STAR questions are the most common type of behavioral interview question. They usually start with the phrase “Tell me about a time when…”. For example, “Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer.”

  • To answer these questions, simply tell the interviewer about a specific situation from your past that is relevant to the question. 
  • Make sure to include the situation, the task that you were responsible for, the actions that you took, and the results of your actions.

Be sure to prepare a few examples in advance so that you will be ready to answer any STAR question that comes up in your interview.

How to Answer CAR Questions?

CAR questions are about challenges that you have faced in the past. They usually start with the phrase “Tell me about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it.” For example, “Tell me about a time when you had to deliver a project on a tight deadline.”

To answer these questions:

  • first, describe the challenge that you faced. 
  • Then, describe the actions that you took to overcome the challenge. 
  • Finally, explain what the result of your actions was.

It is important to focus on the actions that you took, rather than the result of the situation. The interviewer is interested in hearing about the steps that you took to overcome the challenge, not whether or not you were successful.

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How to Answer PAR Questions?

PAR questions are about accomplishments that you have achieved in the past. They usually start with the phrase “Tell me about a time when you achieved something significant.” For example, “Tell me about a time when you exceeded your sales targets.”

  • To answer these questions, describe the accomplishment that you achieved and explain what steps you took to achieve it. 
  • Make sure to focus on the actions that you took, rather than the result of the situation. 

The interviewer is interested in hearing about the steps that you took to achieve your accomplishment, not whether or not you were successful.

How to Answer SAR Questions?

SAR questions are about skills that you have acquired in the past. They usually start with the phrase “Tell me about a time when you displayed a particular skill.” For example, “Tell me about a time when you had to use your negotiation skills.”

  • To answer these questions, describe a situation in which you used the skill in question. 
  • Make sure to include the situation, the task that you were responsible for, the actions that you took, and the results of your actions.

The interviewer is interested in hearing about the steps that you took to display the skill, not whether or not you were successful.

Preparing for a behavioral interview can be daunting, but it is important to remember that the interviewer is simply trying to get to know you better. By preparing in advance and practicing your answers, you will be able to ace your behavioral interview and land the job of your dreams.


So, there you have it. The two most common types of job interviews are the panel interview and the behavioral interview. Although both have their own unique benefits, the best way to prepare for either one is to do your research and be as prepared as possible. 

And if you’re ever feeling lost or unsure of what to do during an interview, just remember our top tips: relax and be yourself!

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