what does found you via linkedin search mean

What Does Found You via LinkedIn Search Mean?

What does found you via LinkedIn search mean? You have presumably seen it a few times? When you scroll to the “Your Dashboard” part of your LinkedIn profile and click the blue number above “Who viewed your profile,” you will see who’s looked at your profile, in italics.

If you upgrade to LinkedIn Premium, you may see more people who have looked at your profile. However, in general, on the free version of LinkedIn, you just see the previous five individuals that have examined your profile.

What Does The Phrase ‘Found You Via LinkedIn Search’ Imply?

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Someone found you through a keyword search for your name on LinkedIn. After all, like other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and others, LinkedIn is a type of search engine or database. As you may assume, this is why it’s crucial to ensure that your LinkedIn name is correct and accurate rather than a pseudonym.

You’re only as reachable as accessible as you are searchable! I’m opposed to including miscellaneous data in your name field because I believe it makes you less visible. It is also technically against LinkedIn’s terms of service, so be cautious if you want to be clever with your name field. I’ve heard of people having their profile deleted as a result of this blunder! What does found you via LinkedIn search mean?

What Does The Phrase “Found You Via Homepage” Imply?

As soon as you log in to your LinkedIn account, the homepage appears upfront on your screen. The phrase “found you via the homepage” indicates that the individual has viewed your profile after discovering a recommendation about you on their home page.

This means that a profile of yours has been featured in the newsfeed and that the person has clicked through to your profile. Perhaps you liked an article or discussed a post made by your connection, thus your LinkedIn offer showed up on the home page of certain users as a result.

What Does It Imply To Be Discovered Via A LinkedIn Company Page?

What does found you via LinkedIn search mean? People may discover you on LinkedIn in a variety of ways, some of which are as follows. “Found via LinkedIn company pages” indicates that the individual discovered your LinkedIn profile on a company/organization’s page after following, liking, commenting on, or mentioning you as their workplace.

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As a result, make certain that your LinkedIn profile includes information about your job. You must also include “work” in the “Experience” section of your LinkedIn profile. In addition to that, you should avoid following any random pages (“Add interests on LinkedIn”) and instead focus on more relevant and representative parts of your professional background that match. This will certainly attract the appropriate crowd to your profile.

What Does The Phrase “Found You Via Google Search” Imply?

What does found you via LinkedIn search mean? This is the most unusual. As the name implies, “Found you via Google Search” indicates that a person discovered your profile by entering a string on Google’s search engine and ending up on your page. If that’s the case, thanks for having an influence – it was only engagement and content production that resulted in your LinkedIn profile getting such a high ranking on Google.

What Makes Your LinkedIn Profile So Easy To Find?

The most significant indication that you have a healthy connection and vast reach to your target audience is whether or not many people visit your profile by “Found you via the homepage.”

On the other hand, if these visits to your profiles arrive through means other than clicking on your profile or following you, it suggests that you have a poor presence among your LinkedIn followers. As a result, you must improve your engagement on LinkedIn. It may be achieved by engaging in conversation and favoriting and commenting on postings as well as connecting with people around.

Another thing to consider is to modify the profile settings from “private mode” to “public mode.”

That’s all for us. We’ve gone through the various strategies people use to locate you on LinkedIn and how you can improve your profile’s chances of receiving more visits. I hope this post will assist you in improving your visibility as well as reach on LinkedIn.

Increase The Number Of People Looking At Your LinkedIn Profile

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What does found you via LinkedIn search mean? Now that you know how to increase your profile’s appeal so that more people will be interested in connecting with you or following you, here are some ways to improve the reach of your profile:

Complete Profile Information

Make sure all of your profile information is correct and complete. Include your contact information, company, job title, skills, and work experience to make yourself more discoverable.

Cross-Post To Maximise Your Winning On LinkedIn

If you’re getting click-throughs from your website in addition to visitors finding you on their homepage, consider putting what you’ve posted on your site up on LinkedIn. This will make it simpler for people who follow you on both platforms to stay up to date on what’s going on and receive the latest news from your firm or organization.

Play On Your Strengths

If people are most likely to come across you on the LinkedIn homepage, for example, that indicates you’re creating the appropriate type of content and getting click-throughs. As a result, developing and amplifying your content on LinkedIn with engagement advertising should be your primary marketing approach LinkedIn.

Don’t Just Post; Write Comments

Take the initiative to offer constructive feedback on other articles. Because others may contribute fresh ideas in the comments section of postings, many LinkedIn users read these sections as a way to get more insights. As a result, you should not stop at ” fantastic post!” or “this article is great!”.

If you replace generic comments with genuine input and insights relevant to the topic, you might pique the original author’s interest if they aren’t already connected to you.

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What About That Weekly ‘You Appeared In 271 Searches This Week’ Notification?

If you go back to the beginning of this post and review your ‘Your Dashboard’ section, you’ll notice there are a number of ‘Search appearances’ listed there. LinkedIn notifies you once a week with the following message: “You appeared in X amount of searches this week.” If you click on this notification or the number of ‘Search appearances’ in the Your Dashboard area, you’ll be given more information about your searchers. This is all for the question ” what does found you via Linkedin search mean?”

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