The Perfect Answer To: Do You Want To Tell Us Anything Else About You?

The Perfect Answer To: Do You Want To Tell Us Anything Else About You?

This is a question that’s frequently posed at the end of an in-person interview. Do you want to tell us anything else about you? It isn’t meant to be a game. In fact, it’s a question you should hope to hear. It gives you the opportunity to emphasize two things: your confidence in your abilities…

What Does It Mean When An Interviewer Says They Will Call You

What Does It Mean When An Interviewer Says They Will Call You

What does it mean when an interviewer says they will call you? After an interview, the employer may declare whether a candidate has been chosen or not. Hiring procedures include applying for the position, attending interviews and testing sessions, and submitting papers. When candidates have been unsuccessful after an interview, they may be eager to…