is a short interview bad

Job Interviews 101: Is A Short Interview Bad?

Is a short interview bad? Regardless of how much you promise your pals that you won’t do it, it’s tough to avoid overthinking every interview you go on. The longer you wait without hearing back, the more invested in each second of the discussion you become. Was that a bad answer? What did he mean when he said, “Hmm, we’ll see?” And how are you supposed to figure out what “over” means in 15 minutes?

Find out how long interview answers should be here.

The good news for your career is that you’re usually making assumptions that are completely wrong. But even though you must know this on the inside, it’s still tempting to jump to judgments. So let me attempt to answer that issue as best I can: there is no clear definition of what it means. However, there are some hints…

Is A Short Interview Bad- How Long Should It Be?

Is a short interview bad and how long should a normal interview be? Only if you are applying for an entry-level position with no prior industry experience will an initial screening be waived. All other candidates, including those who have prior industry expertise and want to switch careers, must complete a preliminary screen that usually lasts about one hour. Phone interviews, on the other hand, generally last around 30 minutes. Don’t worry if your interview was brief; there might be reasons why it didn’t go as long as you would have liked.

When you reach the interview phase with a job you’ve applied for, keep looking for other employment – you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket. Create a personalized resume using one of our professionally designed templates, complete each area with our expert text suggestions based on the requirements of a job advertisement, download, and send!

Read more about oral interview preparation in this masterpiece.

In-person Interviews

Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine whether is a short interview bad or why your interview was so brief and how it went.

  • Did you have a chance to put any questions to the end of your interview?
  • Did the interviewer ask you any questions about your work experience or area of interest in the job?
  • What did the interviewer’s body language indicate?
  • When you left the interview, what was your gut reaction?
  • Did the interviewer provide you with any instructions as to what the next stages of the hiring process would be?

Is A Short Interview Bad- How Long To Hear Back?

is a short interview bad

There is no established timetable for obtaining interviews, but the job description may provide you with clues. Read more here. Is it important to fill the position as soon as possible? Expect a response within a week and a half if this is the case. Have you applied for a role at a large corporation? Be patient and keep checking in after seven to ten days. Is a short interview bad? It just might not be bad.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Response Following An Interview?

Expect some unadulterated patience. It might take anything from a few hours to a few weeks to hear back after an interview. Try your best to remain cool and not personalize the criticism. Keep in mind that hiring processes are time-consuming, especially at large firms with multiple locations and departments across the country.

Did The Interviewer Provide You With A Procedure For Moving Forward In The Hiring Process?

The primary signal of whether or not your brief interview was a success is whether you were given any signals that there would be future contact or a next step in the process. A recruiter who is enthusiastic about moving you through the organization’s hiring procedure will make it clear where you’ll go next.

Entry-level jobs, as opposed to intermediate or senior levels, may require fewer steps in the recruiting process.

It’s possible that the recruiter really wanted to schedule another interview and just forgot to let you know. You’re looking for more specific instructions – a date when they’ll contact you, the next stage in the process (which is outlined in detail), or pre-screening criteria such as drug testing and criminal background checks.

is a short interview bad

If you still have questions about what comes next in the procedure, contact us! It’s fine to follow up if you’re unsure of where you stand with a firm. Send a short note to your contact to let them know how much it was an honor to be considered for the position and thank them for their time.

Is A Short Interview Bad- Good Signs

From my own experience let me answer the question “is a short interview bad?”, I know that although brief interviews aren’t the greatest of indications, we had to schedule them carefully when we were in a bind because our calendars permitted it. We may therefore offer even the finest prospects a little interview.

Even if you need more than 30 minutes to reach a final decision, you may discover a lot in that time. As a result, short interviews aren’t always detrimental. However… A short interview isn’t always bad for other reasons.

Here are some indicators that suggest whether or not a short interview may still result in a successful outcome:

  • Are they talking to you, and are they nodding as you respond? Did there appear to be good eye contact during the presentations?
  • Did the more time you spent with them, the friendlier they seemed to get?
  • Did the interviewer start to describe what it’s like to work there instead of what the position entails?
  • Did the interviewer suggest a date for your next meeting?

What Is A Short Interview Bad Signs?

What is a short interview bad sign? There are still signals to assist you to determine if an interview has gone bad even if the reason for the visit is strict because of scheduling difficulties, as in this scenario:

  • Did the interviewer’s demeanor change as the interview progressed?
  • Was the interviewer leaning back watchfully or was he standing stiffly with his eyes rarely connecting?
  • Did the interviewer’s attention focus on you again or did he seem to look at you with little warmth in his expression as soon as he said the interview was finished and you were going?
  • Did the interviewer say “good luck!” but with no good signals to back it up?

Read more on how to overcome bad interviews in this article.


In conclusion, is a short interview bad? Even the most confident interviewers may be a bit nervous during brief interviews. They don’t have to be a warning of failure. Maintain a good outlook and think about everything you’ve learned from your recruiter.

Don’t forget: Keep your body language, tone of voice, and how the meeting concluded in mind as you fill in the blanks! If you’re not sure, follow up. Also, bear in mind that at all times, your comments must be error-free and professional.

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