interview power words

7 Interview Power Words To Use During An Interview

It’s not easy to feel confident in an interview, but with some advanced preparation, you can speak knowledgeably and convey your value as an employee. There are also some interview power words that help you convey this.

One way of preparing for the challenge is by making sure that words from his/her field are familiar enough so they don’t need clarification during discussions about other topics such s personal experiences or hobbies which help explain qualifications like skillset plus additional things worth mentioning: Such as, “I’m great at” personality traits, etc…

In this article, we share 9 powerful words to use in a job interview. These phrases will help you project confidence and poise during your discussion with the hiring manager!

Using Interview Keywords

You can be confident in your abilities to land the job of a lifetime by preparing for interviews like you would in any other big meeting. Before heading out, read up on what it is that makes this company different from all others.

Their history and values are important information that will help shape how successful or unsuccessful they might feel about hiring someone new according to their needs as well an individual’s skill set.

Whether you have relevant work experience along with anything else relevant such as charity outreach efforts; mention it.

knowing these things beforehand could make all difference when facing potential employers so take advantage now while the opportunity still exists.

9 power words to use in an interview

When it comes time for your next interview, be sure not only to prepare but also to use keywords that will help frame the conversation in a way favorable to you. These powerful words and phrases are positive or hopeful; they provide insight into what makes someone strong both professionally as well personally (especially if this was their first job).

I Can, I Will

You are positive and confident in the gifts you bring to a company when phrases like “I can contribute…” or “My strength is this.” shows that your voice has conviction, showing ability. ‘Will’ also implies belief- it signifies deep thought about what one could offer as well-intentioned contributions.

I Look Forward To

When you are offered the opportunity to interview for a job, it is important that your response does not sound like empty words. The tone of voice should be long and content as well as professional; this will show off all aspects of what hiring managers could expect from someone who wants their dream position with them!


You can show your respect for the company by talking about specific aspects of it. For example, you might say that after becoming familiar with their products and practices I have been able to identify some things which make them stand out from other companies in this industry or particular project layout, they seem more efficient than others!

Also describing mentors who’ve had an impact on me would give insight into how these people operate so there’s no wasted time when trying something new later down the road


The word “opportunity” can be seen as a chance you have been given in the past to develop skills, or it shows possibility and gratitude. This association with job offers makes opportunities seem more concrete than they really are because we often think about what our lives would’ve looked like if certain events had never happened – but then again every day presents its own set of blessings!

The tone should remain professional even when talking about how great future possibilities might potentially turn out; after all, no one wants their excitement dampened by negative thoughts on potential pitfalls ahead


Your resume is a shortened summary of the many tasks you have accomplished during your career. When possible, it’s good to describe these duties in terms that match up with what was mentioned in an interview so there are no surprises for employers when they meet face-to-face or read through resumes submitted later by potential employees interested only based on their contact information provided at some point throughout application processes


interview power words

In order to help an interviewer know you better, it is important that they understand your relevant skills. This means listing only one or two key abilities instead of numerous ones,

This will make sure there’s no confusion as to what kind of person can do jobs like yours! For example, if computer savvy isn’t something which interests them but programming languages are then explained however since childhood was passionate about coding and have spent much time learning different programs through self-study books etc.,


When I was initially looking for a job, one of the first things that came to mind was management positions. As such they are usually more appealing than simple “entry-level” jobs since these types can provide an opportunity into higher-paying industries and greater responsibilities later down line (with increased pay).

They also allow room on their payrolls so if there’s someone out there who wants experience working alongside some big shots then this might just do wonders!

My goal has always been towards becoming self-sufficient; which means making sure every inch counts from day 1.


Being adaptable is a key quality for any project manager to have. It’s important that you can work with many different people in various environments and still find time to make your projects on schedule without compromising the quality of their output or inputting yourself into every decision possible- this will show their flexibility!

You might talk about how being so versatile has made certain changes difficult before but now through experience, you have become better.

Mission statement

In order to be successful at work, one must find their identity and values in what they do. I have always found joy when working with the company because of its dedication to helping animals which aligns so closely with my own personal beliefs.

I am grateful for this opportunity as it allows me further understanding of why certain things are important within our operations For example, the evolution section resonated strongly.

Here is a list of those articles that will help you with your career!

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