how to quit a remote job

How To Quit A Remote Job

Wondering how to quit a remote job? Well, you’ll need a letter of resignation. However, have you given it any thought to how you’d phrase it to your employer? This may be a bit more difficult for remote workers. Here’s how to do it.

Leaving a job is never easy, but it might be the best option. There are many reasons to leave a position. You wish to look for alternative career options or make a life change. Perhaps you’ve decided that the company culture isn’t right for you, or that your responsibilities as a caregiver at home conflict with your profession.

Regardless of the circumstances, knowing how to gracefully quit your job is essential. It is simpler to do so while working in an office, but this isn’t the case if you work remotely.

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Learn how to quit a remote job gracefully!

1. Write Your Resignation Letter

Whether you quit remotely or in person, having a resignation letter prepared is critical. This is a formal document that documents your intention to leave the firm, which can only be done after it has been submitted.

If you’re thinking about how to quit a remote job and you are considering writing your resignation letter, you might address the following topics:

  1. Intend to Resignation
  2. Last day of employment offer to help with all exit processes and formalities
  3. Express gratitude for the time you spent at the organization

When resigning in person, your employer will usually demand a hard copy of your resignation letter.

Simply work on having it ready to be emailed, but keep it with you until you’ve spoken to your employer about this if you’re quitting remotely.

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2. Email Your Boss

It’s not only to notify your employer that you’re leaving; it’s also to ask him or her to schedule a video or phone conversation so you can talk about it. It is good manners to inform your superior personally of your desire to leave your job.

3. Plan What You Want To Say

Before submitting your resignation letter, plan what you’ll say. If you’re considering what to communicate when you quit, here are some recommendations:

  1. To inform your boss: this prevents you from chatting casually, allowing you to devote all of your attention to explaining your resignation.
  2. Hello, Jen. My goal for this call is to let you know that I am going to retire from my job as a Senior Accountant, as was previously stated during our meeting.
  3. While this isn’t always necessary, it’s a good idea to have something you can share if your boss asks. Possible reasons for leaving: while this is not always true, it’s smart to have a backup plan in case your job disappears on you.
  4. What to thank your boss for: it’s possible that you’ve been given a raise, or maybe someone left the position open so you could have it.
  5. Before you go, consider what you can do to help the team. This is to ensure that your employer is sure you’ll do a good transfer and that, if necessary, you’ll train a replacement.
  6. Questions on formalities: When you are ready to quit, you’ll need to follow certain formalities that your employer or human resources should tell you about.
  7. The final day of employment: while this is mentioned in your resignation letter, it’s a good idea to keep it in mind. What will you do after this discussion? This is meant to prevent your employer from requesting that you send your resignation letter right away after the conversation so that he may discuss it with his bosses or human resources.

4. How To Quit A Remote Job On The Call

how to quit a remote job

How to quit a remote job through a phone call. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and a functional phone line. To get around the notification noises, switch off or mute any other applications running in the background.

Pay close attention to your tone, especially during phone conversations with your employer, because he or she can’t see your body language.

5. Email Your Resignation Letter

After the conversation, send your resignation letter to your employer straight away and reference the discussion you’d just had with him or her. In the event that someone challenges your resignation date or time, this email will back up what you claimed.

Your employer may respond to your resignation letter formally acknowledge and accept it, as well as convey his or her good wishes to you.

How To Quit A Remote Job Over Zoom Or Video Conversations

It’s a good idea to pretend you’re in person when giving notice over Zoom or during video conferences. Here is how to quit a remote job virtually: Mention your last day at the start of the conversation, and be sure to look professional.

If you’re concerned about being distracted or uneasy during the video conversation, consider using a digital note program or a word document to keep your ideas organized.

Read More: Scared To Quit My Job: 5 Reasons Why

Eliminate Virtual Wardrobe Malfunctions And Other Distracting Errors

And, of course, keep in mind that a well-dressed person is always more appealing than an unkempt one. Make sure you’re fully clothed and utilize a clean backdrop so that any distracting or improper items don’t divert your boss’s attention away from what you’re saying.

Give Yourself Some Grace

We are now living in unique circumstances, and a competent manager will take the presence of a youngster running into the room or someone starting up a lawnmower outside your window into account.

Try your hardest to have a pleasant talk, but also give yourself room and don’t let it get the best of you if something goes wrong.

What To Do After Putting In Your Two-week Notice:

how to quit a remote job

Let’s talk about how to quit a remote job after putting in your notice. Even if you’ve already given notice, it might be difficult to maintain a clear head when you must leave your job. While you should continue to act professionally, you must do so while remaining in a location where customers may visit and go at their leisure.

Treat quitting remotely as if you were face to face. Also, keep in mind that for the final two weeks of your term, you should keep any commitments you make. It’s how you’ll be remembered, and it’s a little world!

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How To Quit A Remote Job Through A Resignation Email:

Sending an email is acceptable if your company’s remote working approach doesn’t require a lot of real-time communication.

Give Them All The Details They Need To Know 

How to quit a remote job gracefully is important as it retains a good working relationship with your previous employer.

A resignation email is your formal notification, so include information such as your last day, any tasks you want to complete before leaving, and thanks for your time working there.

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