how to put contract work on resume

How To Put Contract Work On Resume

How to put contract work on resume? When it comes to etiquette, there are a lot of little issues to consider while writing your resume. Choosing whether or not to include contract or temporary employment on your resume is frequently one of the most difficult decisions you will have to make.

Even in today’s context, when there is a lot of uncertainty about employment and the growing number of people who make most or all of their money through contract or temporary employment, this kind of work still has a negative connotation.

That is why we have compiled a few suggestions for how to best avoid this stigma while still being able to include as much of your temporary contract work on your resume as possible.

Should You Include Contract Job On Your Resume?

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Proof of your experience may be found in your resume by including your contract employment background. Contract work might have given you a variety of talents, such as learning and adapting to new situations swiftly, which can be quite beneficial to your employer.

Another important reason to include your temporary work experience on your CV is to cover up gaps in employment. You may demonstrate what you were doing in between full-time jobs by including contract work on your resume. If you display your experience and expertise as a result of doing this, it may also persuade the hiring manager to think of you as a resourceful individual. Because the job history is genuine, don’t deprive yourself of an opportunity to market your talents.

Tips For How To List Contract Work On Your Resume

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How to put contract work on resume? For one thing, as you may have guessed, contract work is not a negative thing. In fact, it’s how many people earn the majority of their entire salary. Many businesses are aware of this, even if others aren’t. Regardless, leaving aside your contract job is something you can’t afford to do in any case.

It is a good idea to keep track of all of your freelance work contracts so you know exactly how many there are and what they’re worth. It’s easy to lose count, but it is important not to overlook any of them in case something goes wrong or if the business folds.

Tell A Story

The most essential aspect of including contract work is to focus on telling a narrative. Because working for a single firm over an extended period of time tends to do this by default, if you’re stringing together tasks from many projects, the job of constructing your work experience’s narrative falls on you.

Organize Your Contract Work

Because of this, the organization of your resume is extremely essential. Group all of your contract work together on one page of your CV so that any potential employer may quickly scan and understand which professional experiences you have had.

You may sort by sector or job type, whichever works best for you. List your contract work in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent experiences. If you’ve worked on multiple projects for the same firm, list them all under the name of that firm.

Be Clear With Your Formatting

Listed each firm you worked for individually. Don’t be scared to list both the contract business that employed you and the actual organization for which you performed the task.

You will have a better chance of getting an interview if you emphasize that the staffing agency is your employer and that you completed work for various firms. If you have done contract work for some well-known companies, you may wow the recruiter.

It is difficult to properly format a resume with contract work, but if you don’t have enough full-time employment experience, the functional resume structure is recommended. It emphasizes your skills and abilities over your work history.

Customize Your Resume For The Prospective Employer

Make sure your job history is appropriate for the client or position you’re looking to get hired for. This is where contract work may be quite beneficial, especially if you have worn a variety of hats before.

Read the job description carefully to ensure you are including all of the required skills and responsibilities. Then, choose and emphasize past contract work that most closely matches those requirements. It is a little more effort, but a tailored resume will show better results.

Emphasize Your Accomplishments

Your success as a freelancer is documented in your accomplishments. Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments with action verbs and numbers. Instead of saying “Built website for company X,” say something like “Revamped webpage to increase traffic by 23% over 2 months.”

During the hiring and interview process, your primary objective is to persuade a hiring manager or recruiter that you will add actual, practical value to the firm.

Focus On Your Skills

Take note of the skills your potential customers are looking for in a contractor job. Then, in the context of your contract work, emphasize those abilities. Even further emphasis on your talents is possible via a cover letter, but you may still utilize a few keywords in your resume.

Don’t Be Afraid To List Contract Work On Your Resume

Contract work should not be neglected on your resume or cover letter. Yes, these jobs are temporary and often mission-specific, but they are nevertheless critical. In reality, the majority of hiring managers are already familiar with this form of employment. It’s all about properly documenting the position and terms of employment so that your reasons for leaving are obvious.

Another important consideration for job seekers is that, in most cases, you must disclose this information. Your resume will be clogged with employment gaps if you don’t include these jobs on your application, and that will surely pique the interest of a potential employer. The easiest approach to let a hiring manager know you have been working is to list any contract work.


When you include contract work on your resume, it can greatly boost your qualifications. As you can see, when you list contractor tasks on your resume, that information may be extremely beneficial. Simply follow the guidelines outlined in this article and concentrate on showcasing how valuable any potential employer could benefit from you. You can improve your chances of getting an interview and receiving the employment offer you want by doing this correctly.

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