What Is The Best Language For Coding Interviews
One of the most well-known professions, making the best language for coding interviews in today’s international economy, is development. It’s becoming even more essential every day because one of the top ten most popular jobs in America is software production.
It’s no secret that IT has become one of the most competitive industries in the country, with programs being developed by software engineers who must master many languages to get job offers from Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (FAANG), which are regarded as some of the world’s best firms.
Since the introduction of FORTRAN in 1957, the programming lexicon has evolved dramatically. According to Wikipedia, there are approximately 700+ distinct programming languages available for communicating with a computer system. The popularity of coding languages is influenced by how many people use them and whether they are Turing complete.
So, how can you choose the finest language for your technical interviews with these large IT companies?
Table of Contents
Pick Programming Language
The first step in preparing or choosing the best language for coding interviews is to choose the optimum language for coding interviews. Google allows you to code in any language you like, with the exception of C and C++, where they only allow Java, C++, JavaScript, or Python for algorithmic programming interviews.
More Suited/ Best Language For Coding Interviews

Certain languages are more appropriate and thus appear in the best language for coding interviews and others that you should avoid. Python or Java are the most popular options among my interviewees.
PHP, Python, Perl, and C++ are the most popular. JavaScript, Ruby, and C++ are among the most common languages known.
C or Go are not good options because they don’t include many standard library features or data structures, and some may require manual memory management. I’d avoid lower-level languages like C or Go since they don’t contain any.
If a Python developer has to code algorithms in an interview, I would choose it because it is concise and offers a large number of functions and data structures. Python also makes use of industry-standard interfaces that operate on many different data types, such as len(), for … the … and sequence slicing notation (strings/lists/tuples).
The last element of a sequence is at index arr[-1], and reversing it is as simple as arr[::-1]. Python allows you to accomplish a lot with little code.
Java is another alternative, but having to constantly define types in your code means more keystrokes, which equals more typing. (In an interview situation.)
This issue will be much more apparent during onsite interviews when you’re required to write on a whiteboard.
In many of the same ways that Java is, C++ is similarly compelling. In the end, Python, Java, and C++ are all fantastic languages to learn.
- Recommended: C++, Python,JavaScript, Java.
- Acceptable: Ruby, Go, C#, PHP, Swift, Kotlin
- Avoid: C, Haskell, Perl, Erlang, Matlab
- Last on your list: Brainfuck, Assembly.
The Best Language For Coding Interviews In Tech
What’s the best programming language for a job interview as a software engineer? Python3 (Or generally, Python) And I’ll go through that in further detail below.
print('Hello World')
I’ve spent the past several years as a software engineer and have worked at various companies with a variety of programming languages. I’ve had interviews with a number of different businesses of all sizes, and I’ve spoken to many individuals from varied backgrounds.
This article will assist you in improving your code comprehension whether you’re a software developer, web designer, IT professional, or any other sort of business person who is interested in programming and/or design.
Selecting interview jargon correctly might make things easier for you before and during technical interviews.
- Easy To Learn
Despite the fact that Python is a dynamically typed language, it is strongly typed. A variable isn’t required to be declared before being used, and the type isn’t necessary. While this might seem like a disadvantage in time-constrained interviews, it has several advantages. For example, d={} generates an associative array/hash table that includes any key/data combination.
Easy To Read
Python requires more precise indentations to build effective code blocks than other languages do. This style of coding eliminates superfluous symbol clutter and organizes the code into visual components, making it simpler to understand for both interviewers and interviewees.
It Is Well-known
You’re explaining your coding logic to a technical expert during an interview, so it’s important that both of you know the same programming language.
It’s possible that the individual sitting across from you at the conference table is conversant with Python (one of them) because of its popularity. I believe that every software developer has used Python in some manner on a daily basis.
It Is Versatile- The Best Language For Coding Interviews
The interview is conducted at a certain level of abstraction, with irrelevant information removed. You may remove a lot of low-level specifics in Python by utilizing the standard library’s facilities, putting your focus on the fundamental issue.
As a high-level programming language, python is also used in Machine Learning and Data Science.
Do Companies Allow You To Choose Your Best Language For Coding Interviews?

Yes, you may develop any software in the language of your choice. However, things are rather different for a mid-size business or a startup. In most cases, you have the option of selecting the best language for coding interviews from Python, C++, and Java at small businesses. This gives you an advantage because it allows you to pick the greatest programming language for coding interviews
Some businesses, on the other hand, are more concerned with one area of their operations. If a firm is particularly focused on building chatbots for its consumers’ websites, it will need someone who knows Python well because it reduces time working on any machine learning-based application.
The Best Language For Coding Interviews- Exception To The Norm
It’s critical to figure out the best language for coding interviews while applying for a position. You generally have the choice of selecting “any programming language you want,” but if you’re searching for a domain-specific role such as a Front End/iOS/Android Engineer, you’ll need to be fluent in JavaScript, Objective C/Swift.
The most important thing is to be aware of current data structures and select the best ones to address a scenario.
The Worst Programming Languages
Unless it’s in the role, one of the lower-level languages or a functional programming language would be particularly tough to code interviews.
It takes longer to master lower-level languages. You’ll be judged on your algorithms, data structures, and job skills during your interview. Whether you can finish it in the most difficult or obscure languages is not a concern. So don’t even try it.
Choose the best language for coding interviews based on your company’s focus. Python for data science and machine learning, Java or Kotlin for Android development, Objective-C or Swift for iOS development, Python and JavaScript for web development are just a few examples. Choose the one that is most appropriate to your area of expertise.
When preparing for a technical interview at a major corporation, choose your natural language. Use the language with which you have the most expertise while appearing for an interview at a large tech firm. I really hope you enjoyed this article on the best programming language for coding interviews.